Monday, March 28, 2011

Theatre and me

You can share your experiences with theatre


  1. I always have an euphoric feeling when I see a play in a theather, thats why I'm always want to be an actress. When I'm participated the theatre lessons I loved being on the stage. I enjoyed improvisation tasks a lot, because it helped me to find myself and challange my creativity.

  2. This spring I realized a play with a school theatre group. It was Carlo Goldoni's La Locandiera which is a famous italian play. We were organizing everything by ourselves: Direction, actors, text edition (to make it easier for non-native speakers or people who don't speek italian at all), what we were wearing and what the stage looked like. It had cost us a lot but in the moment we stood up in front of the crowd and got all this applause and people came by embracing us we knew that we could be proud of what we had done and that it was worth it. This moment means very much to me. But theatre in general also does because in it we have an original, individual and unique form to express ourselves.
