Exercise Booklet

Please write here EXERCISES and METHODS, that you learned here. ( Title, description, aim, material needed, duration, )


  1. I really liked the fight-exercise. The group was parted in two and two part time leaders were established. These two "fought" against each other throuch movement, mimics and sound - without touching each other. The leaders could react concerning the action of the other one and their group had to copy the movements. After some time a new leader was established. This is a group builing exercise which fulfilled its aim through the simple having-fun-together. There is no material needed, but accompaning music is nice. The duration can be from 3-10 min.

  2. \Spider Web\
    That was a really, really nice activity for the beginning of this training course, because we didn't knew each other and we had the same goal. We had to work together and I think that this activity made us close together faster than we thought so.
    The aim of Spider Web is to pass through this web without speaking with each other and it's also not allowed to touch the web and sometimes it's quite difficult, because spaces between parts of this web sometimes are very small or they're placed too high to jump it, so we had to pass the person over this doing it together as one team. Material needed? Something that it can be taken as the web and two sticks or something like that you'll be making a web around. To pass through the web we had 5 minutes.

  3. I loved the exercice where we had to, in small groups, create a situation that represented our comon needs in live. In my group we had to represent harmony. This kind of exercice develops our creativity because we need to achieve a representation of something abstract.

    In a second time we had to represent the oposite, that for us was caos. And then starting with caos we had to reach harmonyy. This second part was even a bigger chalenge for creativity.

  4. Exercise with throwing the balls. The task was to make a circle, and to pass the ball, but we had to throw it always to the same person, by saying what was our number. We could throw the ball only when we had the contact with the person. The aim of uttering our numbers was to raise his/her attention. It was more difficult, when other balls entered, but when we had the contact with the person who passed the ball and who had to receive it, it worked. The purpose of the game was to work together and to pay attention at the people you had to work with.
    Massage: The title speaks for itself. It was relaxing and nice interaction between two people
    Physical training, when we had to copy the moves of the leader, but also needed to pay attention to the partner that was on the side, the exercises were very good because we had to use all our muscles and also keep up with our partner.
    We really enjoyed the trust game, when we had to make the circle and pull each other’s hands, and had to lean on our back. We really liked that because the whole group had to become one entity.
    Spider game: the purpose of the game was to hold together, but we were not allowed to speak during the task. Even though we did not know each other we could manage to do it. The group energy was high and everybody was happy and proud at the end.

  5. Alba, Kamil, Stefano, Andrea, Eva (Luca)July 30, 2011 at 6:16 AM

    In this game the aim was to go beyond a web of strings without touching them,
    there were many holes, the easiest were big and close to the ground, so by

    yourself you could have done it.
    the hardest part was to trespass the upper and smaller holes: without the help of

    other it would have been impossible!
    With the help of this game we started working like a team, because we were

    responsible for the people that crossed the hole, and we had to trust each other.

    the rules of the game were:
    -the aim of the game is to win
    -the object of the game is to accumulate the maximum number of positive points
    we were separated in two teams but didn't understand at once (despite Eszter was

    always reminding us the rules of the game) that we had to think as a whole group.
    Every day we face this decision, in our interactions with other people. We live

    our life the way we play the Red/Black game. Some people bully the rest of the

    team into playing red. Others want to play black but keep quiet in the interest

    of not rocking the boat. Others determine that they will only play black with

    those who play black first.

    We loved sharing the culture of our country, and we were proud of it!
    there were so many tipical dishes and drinks to taste that our stomaches were so

    much intercultural!

    We felt like Jedi knights because we were blind and was very difficult to catch the opponent's head.
    You had to hear, smell, touch (and taste?) him in order to win.
    In other word "you had to feel the force guiding you!".

    Make a circle and threw the ball saying your number!
    pay attention to who receive the ball and to who you are throwing the ball!
    Now add 1..2...3....4.....5 balls!
    and now move randomly around the room!
    WHAT A MESS!, but extraordinarily we can continue without too many mistake.. it's a MIRACLE!

    we would like to thank the leader of our group to have inspired us.. EVA XEVER!

  6. First of all we need to change the title: 'Let's Play and Make a Circle' can be better:)
    I really loved the exercise that we wrote and reflect our fears on the stage. It was one of the first exercises we had,and it was really good to see how people show their fears. This practise show me lots of things about the participants. In this exercise everybody wrote their fears about this training course. And then reflect this fears on the stage to everbody. we did not know each other too much, so seeing everbody's fears and inner feelings showed me much about participants.

  7. I really liked the BLIND game.It was a game for two persons.One was the leader and the other one was doing things, that the leader wants (walking, running, changeing directions)They dont used words just soft touchies :)I think a music is very important in this exercise. It helps to relax.It was a nice interaction beetween to people.BUT YOU NEED A GOOD PARTNER!!! :)

  8. Florentine, CristI, KatiJuly 30, 2011 at 12:08 PM

    1. Exercise with throwing the balls. The task was to make a circle, and to pass the ball, but we had to throw it always to the same person, by saying what was our number. We could throw the ball only when we had the contact with the person. The aim of uttering our numbers was to raise his/her attention. It was more difficult, when other balls entered, but when we had the contact with the person who passed the ball and who had to receive it, it worked. The purpose of the game was to work together and to pay attention at the people you had to work with.
    2. Massage: The title speaks for itself. It was relaxing and nice interaction between two people.
    3. Physical training, when we had to copy the moves of the leader, but also needed to pay attention to the partner that was on the side, the exercises were very good because we had to use all our muscles and also keep up with our partner.
    4. We really enjoyed the trust game, when we had to make the circle and pull each other’s hands, and had to lean on our back. We really liked that because the whole group had to become one entity.
    5. Spider game: the purpose of the game was to hold together, but we were not allowed to speak during the task. Even though we did not know each other we could manage to do it. The group energy was high and everybody was happy and proud at the end.

    The group grew together very fast even though people kept different distances from each other.
    Every participant contributes something special to a different type of task or game in his or her individual way. One makes the whole group laugh through saying “make a circle” or don’t touch me” (the all time favorite sentences of this training course) and another one with useful techniques or simply spontaneous ideas like motivating everyone to join a clap rhythm coming out of nothing.
